We are Shrimp breeder serving shrimp Lover

Passion for Shrimp Keeping, Expertise in Breeding

Welcome to Cherry Shrimps UK, where our love for shrimp and dedication to quality have made us a trusted name among aquarists. We are more than just a supplier—we are shrimp enthusiasts who are passionate about sharing the joy of shrimp keeping with others.

Our Journey

Cherry Shrimps UK was born out of a genuine love for these fascinating creatures. What started as a personal hobby quickly grew into a full-fledged business as we recognized the need for high-quality shrimp and reliable information in the shrimp-keeping community. Over the years, we’ve honed our breeding practices, ensuring that every shrimp we offer meets the highest standards of health and vitality.

Close-up of an Orange Shrimp perched on a rock in a planted aquarium
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Of Satisfied Customers

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Shrimps Bred Every month

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Shrimp Varieties

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Years of experience

Bring Shrimp Ecosystem to your Home

Transform your aquarium into a thriving, self-sustaining ecosystem by introducing freshwater shrimp. Shrimp not only add vibrant color and movement to your tank but also play a vital role in maintaining water quality.

As natural scavengers, they help keep your tank clean by feeding on algae, leftover food, and plant debris.

With the right plants, substrates, and carefully balanced water conditions, you can create an environment where shrimp flourish, breeding and growing naturally while supporting the health of the entire ecosystem. Bring the fascinating world of shrimp keeping into your home, and experience the beauty of watching a well-balanced aquatic community thrive!

Natural Decoration
Living Aquatic Plant
Healty Livestock

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Close-up of a Red Cherry Shrimp on aquarium substrate with rocks in the background
Close-up of a Green Shrimp perched on a leaf in an aquarium
Close-up of a Blue Shrimp with visible eggs on a substrate in an aquarium
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